The subject matter of this research work is to evaluate the extent to which Small Scale entrepreneurs in Enugu have been able to obtain loans and raise finance from Nigerian Commercial Banks as a major source of finance to the economy. The main objective of the study is to establish the role of Commercial Banks in financing Small Scale Enterprises (SSEs) in Enugu .A review of literature was done to ensure the conclusion of the study. Based on the analysis, Commercial Banks comply with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) credit guidelines which stipulated that they should set aside 10% of their profit before tax for loan to Small Scale Enterprises (SSEs).Commercial Banks require feasibility report from SSEs before granting loan to them. Small Scale Enterprises do not provide proper feasibility studies due to poor level of education. The research concluded that for small scale enterprises to survive, there have to be a collective effort between them and banks. Also the government should engage more in the development of Small Scale Enterprises by creating and embarking on various incentives to encourage both Small Scale Enterprises and commercial banks.
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